In addition to providing an excellent on-road driving experience, your vehicle excels at all types of off-road driving. The truck has been designed and equipped to allow you to explore those places where the road doesn’t take you whether it’s a forest trail or the open desert. Before going off-roading, consult with your local governmental agencies to determine designated off-road trails and recreation areas. Also, be sure to understand any off-road vehicle registration requirements for the area in which you plan on driving.
Tread Lightly is an educational program designed to increase public awareness of land-use regulations and responsibilities in our nation’s wilderness areas. Ford joins the U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management in encouraging you to help preserve our national forest and other public and private lands by treading lightly.
Before taking your vehicle off-roading, a basic vehicle inspection should be done to make sure that the vehicle is in top working condition.
It is always recommended that at least two vehicles are used while off-roading. The buddy system helps make sure that help is close at hand should a vehicle become stuck or damaged. It is also wise to take supplies such as a first aid kit, supply of water, tow strap, cell or satellite phone with you any time an off-road excursion is planned.
Basic Off-road Driving Techniques
  • Grip the steering wheel with thumbs on the outside of the rim. This will reduce the risk of injury due to abrupt steering wheel motions that occur when negotiating rough terrain. Do not grip the steering wheel with thumbs inside the rim.
  • Throttle, brake and steering inputs should be made in a smooth and controlled manner. Sudden inputs to the controls can cause loss of traction or upset the vehicle, especially while on sloped terrain or while crossing obstacles such as rocks or logs.
  • Look ahead on your route noting upcoming obstacles, surface texture or color changes or any other factors which may indicate a change in available traction, and adjust the vehicle speed and route accordingly. During pre-run, mark obstacles with GPS markers to make sure appropriate speeds are used to avoid potential vehicle damage.
  • When driving off-road, if the front or rear suspension is bottoming out and/or excessive contact with the skid-plates is encountered, reduce vehicle speed to avoid potential damage to the vehicle.
  • When running with other vehicles, it is recommended that communication is used, and the lead vehicle notify other vehicles of obstacles that could cause potential vehicle damage.
  • Always keep available ground clearance in mind and pick a route that minimizes the risk of catching the underside of the vehicle on an obstacle.
  • When negotiating low speed obstacles, applying light brake pressure in conjunction with the throttle will help prevent the vehicle from jerking and will allow you to negotiate the obstacle in a more controlled manner. Using 4L will also help with this.
  • Use and equip supplemental safety equipment as discussed later in this chapter.
  • Please consult your local off-road group for other helpful tips.
  • Off-roading requires a high degree of concentration. Even if your local law does not prohibit alcohol use while driving off-road, Ford strongly recommends against drinking if you plan to off-road.
Crossing Obstacles
  • Review the path ahead before attempting to cross any obstacle. It is best if the obstacle is reviewed from outside the vehicle so that there is a good understanding of terrain condition both in front of and behind the obstacle.
  • Approach obstacles slowly and slowly inch the vehicle over.
  • If a large obstacle such as a rock cannot be avoided, choose a path that places the rock directly under the tire rather than the undercarriage of the vehicle. This will help prevent damage to the vehicle.
  • Ditches and washouts should be crossed at a 45 degree angle, allowing each wheel to independently cross the obstacle.
Hill Climbing
WARNING   WARNING:  Extreme care should be used when steering the vehicle in reverse down a slope so as not to cause the vehicle to swerve out of control.

  • Always attempt to climb a steep hill along the fall line of the slope and not diagonally.
  • If the vehicle is unable to make it up the hill, DO NOT attempt to turn back down the slope. Place the vehicle in low range and slowly back down in reverse.
  • When descending a steep slope, select low gear and engage hill descent control. Use the throttle and brake pedals to control your descent speed as described earlier in this section using hill descent control. Note that hill descent control is functional in reverse and should be used in this situation.