WARNING   WARNING:  In extreme climates, excessive ice buildup may occur, causing the running boards not to deploy. Make sure that the running boards have deployed, and have finished moving before attempting to step on them. The running boards will resume normal function once the blockage is cleared.
WARNING   WARNING:  Switch off the running boards before jacking or placing any object under your vehicle. Never place your hand between the extended running board and your vehicle. A moving running board may cause injury.

Note:   Do not use the running boards, front and rear hinge assemblies, running board motors, or the running board underbody mounts to lift your vehicle when jacking. Always use proper jacking points.
Note:   The running boards may operate more slowly in cool temperatures.
Note:   The running board mechanism may trap debris such as mud, dirt, snow, ice and salt. This may cause unwanted noise. If this happens, manually set the running boards to the deployed position. Then, wash the system, in particular the front and rear hinge arms, with a high-pressure car wash wand.
Automatic Power Deploy
Power Running Boards
The running boards extend down and out when you open the door. This can help you enter and exit your vehicle.
Automatic Power Stow
When you close the doors, the running boards return to the stowed position after a two-second delay.
Manual Power Deploy
You can manually operate the running boards in the information display.
  1. Using the instrument cluster display controls on the steering wheel, select Settings.
  1. Select Advanced Settings.
  1. Select Vehicle.
  1. Select Power Running Boards.
  1. Select a setting.
Set the running boards in the deployed position to access the roof.
The running boards return to the stowed position and enter automatic mode when the vehicle speed exceeds 3 mph (5 km/h).
Enabling and Disabling
You can enable and disable the power running board feature in the information display.
  • When disabled, the running boards move to the stowed position regardless of the door position.
  • When enabled, the running boards move back to the correct positions based on the door position.
The running board reverses direction and moves to the end of travel if it encounters an object when moving.